Why are Pronouns Important

Why are Pronouns Important The power of short, simple words can make Beatitudes safer and empower LGBTQ+ residents. First of all, what is LGBTQIA+? This is an abbreviation for Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer or Questioning, Intersex, Asexual, and more These terms are used to describe a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity. What does… Continue reading Why are Pronouns Important

YouTube Links

  Other YouTube Links Here are some links that you may enjoy. Robert’s YouTube Channels Bill and Robert’s Music Mix Singles Bill and Robert’s Happy Hour Mixes – https://tinyurl.com/BarMix or https://tinyurl.com/Bistro-Bar More Music @ Beatitudes Robert’s Tech Talks – https://tinyurl.com/FlashClasses All Robert Andrews: 2020 UCC First Church or CLICK HERE Grandpa Cooks DSUCC: 2012 DSUCC:… Continue reading YouTube Links

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