Jack Evans: Videos

Watch the Video HERE. 1. Film/Music/Poem Version 2.0 Evans/Bell Conversion WATCH VIDEO BY CLICKING HERE 2. Words: Jack Evans Music: Tom Bell Visuals: Robert Andrews Sr WATCH VIDEO BY CLICKING HERE 3. Late Spring directed by Yasujiro Ozu Late Spring tea ceremony 2:18-4:23 minutes WATCH BY CLICKING HERE 4. Dreams directed by Akira Kurosawa Kitsune… Continue reading Jack Evans: Videos

Karaoke @ Beatitudes

Music is a HUGE focus at Beatitudes Campus.  Recently we’ve begun a Karaoke Night for those who like to sing, but do not play an instrument. You can visit our Karaoke list of songs BY CLICKING HERE. We currently sing Karaoke every Second Saturday of the month at 4 pm in our Bistro Restaurant.  Outsiders… Continue reading Karaoke @ Beatitudes

Village in Winter

This poetry performance event features Jack Evans (resident) and Tom Bell (guitar).  The team go by the name Evans/Bell Conversion. Here is their performance:

Musician Working Files

Different Types of Performance Art Staying Happy and Active @ Beatitudes DISCLAIMER Records are on YouTube unless otherwise noted. Select your destination by clicking on any one of the following links: Bistro Bar Mix: Singles from which Happy Hours are made Bill Chase: Performances and Individual Songs Robert’s FTP Server Uploads Mixed Files not yet… Continue reading Musician Working Files

On the Rocks

This is a list of all songs done by Bill and Robert, complete with words, and in most cases the chords as well. There is also a lot of sheet music here: http://www.xml3.com Use the links at the site to view Bill or Robert’s songs.  

Past Recordings

Past Hootenanny June 1 May 18 Recordings are on YouTube unless otherwise noted. Select your destination by clicking on any one of the above links: Bistro Bar Mix: Singles from which Happy Hours are made Bill Chase: Performances and Individual Songs * July, 2021 2020 below – – 2021 above December 26, 2020: Reader Theater:… Continue reading Past Recordings

MUSIC @ Beatitudes

Ukulele Class – LifeLong Learners Ukulele Jukebox Sheet Music – LifeLong Learners Beatitudes Channel 1-2 Music through LLL

Keyboard Jam

This is an open jam session for any keyboard style instrument: Piano, organ, accordion, etc. Come have fun every Monday at 4 pm in Central Park West 2nd floor main room.

On the Rocks

Beatitudes Musicians gather to make music. Bill Chase Robert Andrews Jim Plaster Bill Regina Shirley Dawson Arnie Anderson Norma Buckwald Richard Probst Suzanne Hartley Here are some recordings of past performances